requirements GENERAL
Paypal account holders must be at least 18 years old or older and have:
1) email address as username = your PayPal account later (use Email: @ gmail.com)
2) Credit Card = Which will be used to become a Verified / Verified and to be able to Withdraw (PayPal Balance to Attract Other Media) will
Before you start signing up, prepare your data to create a PayPal account such as Email, Name, Address, Phone, credit card number (Make sure Name, Address, Phone you will fill for registration with the data on your credit card)
1. Go to the PayPal site:
We recommend signing up paypal using the link above, use the link above referral link from paypalindonesia.com, we have been told paypal.com to pay attention to any registration signups are coming from paypalindonesia.com community, and that the team paypalindonesia.com more easily monitor developments in Indonesia paypal and help if there is a problem
2. Click Sign Up Today to register
3. Furthermore, there is a choice state, because you are in Indonesia choose Indonesia. You can also change the language to Indonesian. Then select the type of account you want as needed
4. Next input your information such as Email, Name, Address, Phone, etc. (Make sure Name, Address, Phone of your content for registration with bank account data or credit card)
The email you enter will be your PayPal username to log in or transact using PayPal then
Fill in your password with a combination of letters and numbers, at least 8 characters
Fill in your name according to the data bank account or your credit card
- If your name is two syllables, for example dodi tryana: First, the column name (first name) filled dodi, and the column Last name (last name) filled tryana
- If your name is three syllables, for example Tom pratama grace: First, the column name (first name) filled Tomi, Middle column name (middle name) filled with grace, and the column Last name (last name) filled pratama
- If your name is just one syllable, Safrudin examples: First, the column name (first name) filled Safrudin, and the column Last name (last name) is filled with a comma
Examples of writing the correct phone number: 02177755555 or 021-77755555 or 62-21-77755555 or 08123456789
Put your credit card number that will be used to enter the funds into your PayPal account, if you do not want to enter your credit card data now remove the check mark in the Connect my credit card, so I can start shopping right away (recommended) / Link my credit card so I can start shopping right away (recommended), you can enter your credit card data and then after login on my account page / My Account
Looking for Bank Name - Bank code: click here
4. You will receive an email confirmation that you have registered and to enable a PayPal account, open an email from PayPal and click the confirmation link contained therein, to confirm that you are the owner of the email. Next you'll be taken to the PayPal site, follow the next steps
Finished, congratulations you have a PayPal account!

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